Department of Agriculture
Supporting Arkansas farmers and ranchers while ensuring safe food, fiber, and forest products for the citizens of Arkansas, the nation, and across the globe
Agriculture / Arkansas Department of Agriculture Programs / International Marketing
International Marketing
Southern U.S. Trade Association
The Southern U.S. Trade Association administers the Market Access Program and Agricultural Trade Promotion program to help Southern companies meet qualified foreign buyers and promote their products internationally.
2020 Arkansas, The Natural Exporter Webinar
The Arkansas Department of Agriculture in conjunction with the Southern United States Trade Association (SUSTA) is here to help Arkansas based companies export their agricultural-related product, such as food, beverage, or other commercial items.
The Arkansas Department of Agriculture and Southern United States Trade Association (SUSTA) hosted the 2020 Arkansas, The Natural Exporter Webinar to talk to Arkansas producers about foreign sales of their products and discuss programs available to them through SUSTA.
2019 Arkansas Export Marketing Summit
Arkansas Department of Agriculture hosted the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agriculture Service and Southern United States Trade Association (SUSTA) at The Poultry Federation, May 2, 2019, for the 2019 Arkansas Export Marketing Summit to talk to Arkansas producers about foreign sales of their products.
You can find the briefs that were provided at the summit here:
- SUSTA has offered export assistance to Southern companies since 1973.
- Over the last several years, SUSTA companies, on average, realized a return of $65 in export sales for every $1 invested in SUSTA’s programs.
- SUSTA works with the USDA’s Agriculture Trade Offices all over the world to get you the most up-to-date information on the market.
50% Cost Share
- SUSTA can reimburse Arkansas businesses
- 50% of eligible marketing expenses.
Benefits of Participation
- Promote your brand internationally at half the cost
- Get reimbursed up to $300,000/year
Eligible Expenses
- Advertising
- Direct Mail
- Exhibiting at International Trade Shows
- Exhibiting at USDA-Approved U.S. Trade Shows
- Freight (shipping samples & marketing materials)
- In-Store Demonstrations/Food Service Promotions
- In-Store Displays
- International Travel Expenses
- (when exhibiting at international trade shows or approved trade missions)
- Packaging/Label Changes
- Point of Sale Materials
- Promotional Giveaway Items
- Public Relations
- Website Development
Global Events
SUSTA connects Arkansas businesses with international buyers at trade shows and trade missions around the world.
Find events at
Benefits of Participation
- Exhibition costs are often less expensive
- Interpreters and chefs provided as needed
- Foreign industry experts “match make” you with pre-vetted buyers
- Events managed start to finish so your focus is making sales
Annually, SUSTA hosts more than 30 events all around the world.
How to Get Started
- Create your company’s MySUSTA account at
- In your account, check off the programs of interest (Global Events and/or CostShare)
- If approved for Global Events, you can sign up for events at
- If approved for CostShare, you will be given access to the CostShare application
Why Export?
- 95% of the world’s consumers live outside the U.S.
- You have a competitive advantage because U.S. products have a reputation for being high quality
- Market diversification provides stability
- Staying abreast of international trends helps you stay innovative and competitive
Are You Eligible?
- Do your products’ packaging and/or labels identify a brand?
- Do your products contain at least 50% U.S. agriculture content/ingredients?
- Do your products’ packaging and/or labels identify an eligible U.S. origin statement Examples: “Made in USA” or “Product of USA”
- Are you headquartered in the SUSTA region?