Protecting Arkansas’s forests, and those who enjoy them, from wildland fire and natural hazards while promoting rural and urban forest health, stewardship, development, and conservation for all generations of Arkansans
Agriculture / Forestry / Poison Springs State Forest
Poison Springs State Forest
In 1957, the Forestry Division purchased approximately 19,400 acres of abandoned farmland from the United States Department of Agriculture. Today, Poison Springs State Forest (PSSF) includes 24,090 acres in western Ouachita and eastern Nevada counties. PSSF got its name from a nearby spring of the same name and is the site of a significant Civil War battle. The Battle of Poison Springs on April 19, 1864, was a convincing victory for the Confederates, forcing the retreat of Union forces north. The forest proved to be an asset to the Confederates and trouble for the Union soldiers who had difficulty maneuvering through the thick pine stands.
The Forestry Division manages PSSF for multiple uses. PSSF is used for demonstration of good forest management practices, timber production, recreation, water quality protection, research, and wildlife habitat.
Hunting is one of the major recreational activities at PSSF. Each year, more than 350 camping permits are issued to visitors. PSSF has more than 90 primitive campsites that can be reserved at no charge for up to two weeks at a time. The property is designated as a Wildlife Management Area (WMA) by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC), and visitors must follow all AGFC hunting and fishing regulations.
Public fishing is available at White Oak Lake, a 2,000-acre man-made lake that adjoins PSSF. Visitors will also find an equestrian trail and a firing range. The equestrian trail is open June 1 to September 30 and February 1 to March 31. The firing range is open year-round. All services are free to the public.
2024-2025 Poison Springs State Forest Use Permit
- The use of all-terrain (ATV) and utility-terrain vehicles (UTV) is allowed all year.
- Individuals may use ATVs/UTVs only on gravel roads, logging roads, or trails, unless the roads or trails are closed by use of a sign. New trails may not be created with ATVs/UTVs.
- ATVs/UTVs are not allowed on boundary lines that have been cleared by the Forestry Division.
- No hunting is allowed from gravel roads. Hunters must be 100 feet from the centerline of a gravel road to hunt. Individuals may hunt from unimproved logging roads or trails.
- Horses and mules are allowed for legal hunting activities at night during furbearer season.
- Hunters with an AGFC mobility impaired permit may ride ATVs/UTVs on PSSF property boundary lines only to 1) Assist in reaching hunting locations; and/or 2) Carry a deer stand or retrieve downed game for haul out. Mobility impaired permits can be acquired through the AGFC.
- Hunters may use ATVs/UTVs off established roads and trails to retrieve their downed game for haul out. Only one ATV is authorized to leave the road or trail to retrieve downed game. The shortest practical route to the game must be taken. Hunters MAY NOT use ATVs/UTVs to scout areas or to look for game. ATVs/UTVs must remain on roads or trails to carry in and remove deer stands.
PSSF will be closed to camping on the following dates: July 1-15, 2024 and March 23-29, 2025
- Camping is by permit only. Permits are issued on a first-come, first-served basis for a two-week period beginning at 8 a.m. July 15, or the first business day after if July 15 falls on a weekend. Visitors are encouraged to reserve in advance to ensure availability.
- Vehicular travel is restricted to existing trails and roads.
- No permanent or semi-permanent structures (e.g. deer stands, lean-tos) are authorized. Temporary facilities erected for the duration of the two-week permit are allowed.
- No tree may be severed, damaged, or destroyed.
- Campfires must be kept under control.
- Campsites must be occupied within 24 hours of the permit date.
- Camping debris must be removed when leaving the campsite.
- Posting of PSSF property is prohibited.
- Violation of the following general restrictions may result in revocation of the camping permit:
- Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages
- Use of illegal drugs
- Public endangerment with a firearm
- The permit holder is subject to all applicable state and federal game and firearm laws and regulations.
Equestrian Use
- Equestrian Trail Map
- Equestrian travel is restricted to existing trails and roads.
- Organized events similar to trail rides and horse or mule riding for pleasure are prohibited during the months of October-January, April and May. Exceptions:
- Legal hunting activities may use horses and mules during specified hunting seasons.
- Horses and mules are allowed at night during furbearing season.
- Equestrian Use permits are required for organized events of more than 10 horses or mules per party. Permits are available from the Poison Springs State Forest Office and must be requested 14 days before the event.
- Organized events may be restricted to designated campsites. Otherwise horses and mules are allowed at all campsites.
- Organized events may be required to provide portable restroom facilities.
- Horses or mules in camping areas shall be tied to trailers or highline using tree saver straps.
- Horses and mules will not be allowed to damage trees or other woody vegetation.
- At organized event or campsites, soil disturbance must be restored, manure must be scattered, and excess feed, hay and any trash must be removed.
For more information or to reserve a campsite, call the Poison Springs State Forest office (also the Arkansas Forestry Division District 4 Headquarters Office) at (870) 836-5882 or email State Forest Manager Aaron Williams at The office is located at 2501 Maul Road in northwest Camden, just off State Highway 24, one mile north of the Highway 278 and Highway 24 junction.