Livestock & Poultry
Safeguarding human and animal health, assuring food safety and quality, and promoting Arkansas livestock and poultry industries for the benefit of our citizens
Agriculture / Livestock & Poultry / Rules
- Airborne Eradication (79 KB)
- Brand Registry Law (85.74 KB)
- Brucellosis in Cattle (118.06 KB)
- Concentration Points (31.15 KB)
- Country of Origin (COOL) Law
- Dealer Regulations (11.98 KB)
- Disposal of Large Animal and Poultry Carcasses (121 KB)
- Disposition of Inedible Materials Permit (89.97 KB)
- Egg Marketing Rule (143.6 KB)
- Egg Regulations (104.37 KB)
- EIA Regulations (17.8 KB)
- Entry Regulations (750.28 KB)
- Equine Infectious Anemia Verifier (88.06 KB)
- Exhibition (451.46 KB)
- Garbage Feeding Rule (Swine) (8.49 KB)
- Horse Chipping (85.43 KB)
- Licensing, Certification and Permitting of Active Duty Service Members, Returning Military Veterans, and Spouses (326.65 KB)
- Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission Rules for the Administration of the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) (35.08 KB)
- Meat Inspection Rule
- Milk Stabilization Rules
- Poultry Disease and Flock Condemnation Rule (184 KB)
- Poultry Feeding Operations Rules (185 KB)
- Quarantine Feedlots (9.53 KB)
- Regulations - Scrapie (26.84 KB)
- Reportable Diseases (24.15 KB)
- Requirements to Sell Country Eggs (73.42 KB)
- Sanitation for Non-Shell Eggs (9.83 KB)
- Special Cattle Sales (15.96 KB)
- Swine Rule (114 KB)
- Trichomoniasis Testing and Movement Requirements for Cattle (131.83 KB)
- Tuberculosis Regulation (24.33 KB)
- Veterinary Medical License and Certificate Renewal (84 KB)
- Veterinary Technician Specialist (86 KB)
- Veterinary Medical License and Certificate Fees (82 KB)