Natural Resources
Efficiently and responsibly managing and protecting our water and land resources for the sustainability, health, safety, and economic benefit of the State of Arkansas
Agriculture / Natural Resources / Divisions / Water Development / Environmental Review Guidance
Environmental Review Guidance
Environmental Review for the Clean Water & Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Funds (SRF)
Requirements under The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) are defined in 40 CFR 1508.18.
There are two separate classifications of environmental reviews under the State Revolving Loan Funds (SRF’s):
- Categorical Exclusions (CE) (Environmental review decisions over the last six years for the federal programs have been 90% categorical exclusions!)
- Environmental Assessment
Natural Resources Division may issue a CE for an SRF project based on a detailed environmental analysis if the action does not “individually or cumulatively have significant effect(s) on the human environment.” An EID is required if a project doesn’t qualify under the criteria for a CE. For further information to determine if your project may be eligible for a CE, please review the criteria in the following link: Click here to view the Categorical Exclusion Criteria.
If the Natural Resources Division determines that an entities’ project is not eligible for a CE, then an Environmental Information Document will be required. The EID will assist the Natural Resources Division in determining if a proposed action has the potential to cause significant environmental effects or not. Generally, the EID includes a brief discussion of:
- The need for the proposed project
- Alternatives
- The environmental impacts of the proposed action and alternatives
- Required correspondence with environmental cross-cutting agencies
Complete the Environmental Checklist and Information Document Form below:
If you have any questions about the Environmental Review process or requirements, please contact:
Keith Sanders, Environmental Programs
Arkansas Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Division
10421 W. Markham St., Little Rock, AR 72205
Phone: 501-682-0554