Plant Industries
Serving the citizens of Arkansas and the agricultural and business communities by providing information and unbiased enforcement of laws and regulations set by the Arkansas State Plant Board
Agriculture / Plant Industries / Regulatory Section / Ag Pest Survey Program
Ag Pest Survey Program
Agriculture Pest Survey Program
The Cooperative Agriculture Pest Survey (CAPS) program conducts science-based state surveys targeted at specific exotic and introduced plant pests identified as threats to U.S. agriculture and/or the environment. These activities are accomplished under USDA funding provided through cooperative agreements with the State Plant Board. Outreach activities are also conducted to assist the public in complying with existing plant pest regulations and to recognize and report new pest introductions in Arkansas.
The mission of the Arkansas CAPS program is to provide a survey profile of exotic and introduced plant pests, which might occur in Arkansas, deemed to be of regulatory significance through early detection and surveillance activities. These efforts are accomplished by involving stakeholders and the scientific community, and leveraging efforts by other agencies in USDA, government entities, state departments of agriculture, universities, and industry partners.
Current and Ongoing Survey Programs
- Early Detection Rapid Response
- Forest Pest Outreach
- Gypsy Moth
- Imported Fire Ants
- National Honey Bee
- Rice
- Solanaceous
- Walnut Twig Beetle/ Thousand Cankers Disease