Protecting Arkansas’s forests, and those who enjoy them, from wildland fire and natural hazards while promoting rural and urban forest health, stewardship, development, and conservation for all generations of Arkansans
Agriculture / Forestry / Seedlings / Special Products
Special Products
Family Block Pine
The Forestry Division is able to select and grow only the best seed from its Loblolly pine seed orchard. As a result, we are able to offer family blocks of high genetic gain value.
• 1 Star Loblolly Pine (25-32% genetic gain)
• 2 Star Loblolly Pine (33-40% genetic gain)
• 3 Star Loblolly Pine (41-51% genetic gain)
An example of 51 percent gain is:
If an acre of unimproved or woods of run pine produces 1.5 cords of wood per acre per year; then the same acre of 51 percent genetically improved pine would produce 2.25 cords of wood per acre per year.
Containerized 3-Star Loblolly Pine
The containerized 3-star loblolly pine seedlings are grown with seed from the Forestry Division improved loblolly pine seed orchards at Bluff City. These containerized seedlings are a great way to get the best possible survival from the best genetic material we have available.
Containerized Advanced Generation Shortleaf Pine
The containerized advanced generation shortleaf pine seedlings are grown with seed from the Forestry Division advanced generation shortleaf seed orchard at Bluff City. Containerized shortleaf seedlings also provide a better alternative for reforestation on sites where mechanical site prep may not be possible.
Improved Cherrybark Oak and Improved Nuttall Oak
The Forestry Division provides second generation selections of cherrybark and nuttall oak seedlings tested in this region for adaptability (improved survival and quality) and vigor (increased rate of growth). These selections from across the region result in improved genetic diversity.
Bundle Options
The Forestry Division has two "bundle" options - wildlife or beautification - available for those interested in purchasing a small quantity of a variety of trees. Each bundle is $30 and includes 10 trees (two trees of five species) that are either beneficial to wildlife or are often selected for landscaping purposes. Ordering and pick up dates are now the same for bundles as for all other seedlings.
- Beautification bundles will include two of each species: baldcypress, blackgum, red bud, shumard oak, and dogwood.
- Wildlife bundles will include two of each species: pecan (native), persimmon, red mulberry, chinkpin oak, and wild plum.