Plant Industries

Serving the citizens of Arkansas and the agricultural and business communities by providing information and unbiased enforcement of laws and regulations set by the Arkansas State Plant Board


Pesticide Section Application Forms to be Submitted Online:

Instructions to submit an online application:

1) Complete the appropriate online application form to determine your total payment and possible additional documentation to be added, for example the Power of Attorney for Out-of-State companies, which needs to be notarized before being submitted with the application form.  Your entered information is accessible at any given time during the application process through the “Save” option at the bottom of each online application form until submitted.  Once submitted, your entered information is no longer accessible online.

a. If you have more than one online application form to complete, use the “Save” option on each form to save your entered information until you have all forms and the associated online payment completed.

2) Complete the online payment through the Online Payment portal.

a. A link to the Online Payment portal is listed in the Instructions of the Online Payment Portal as well as on each online application form that requires a fee.

Instructions for the Online Payment Portal:

Important: Ensure Pop-Up Blockers on your web browser are turned off otherwise you may not be able to complete all the steps in the Online Payment Portal!

To make your online payment, click the following link: Online Payments
(This link is also listed on each online application form, and you can pay for more than one online application form with one payment transaction!)

Note:   Please keep in mind your online payment will include online processing fees in addition to your application/licensing/registration fees!

Step 1: “License # or Company Name Is Required” field:

  • Enter firm name, if applying for firm license/dealer license/ pesticide registration.
  • Enter your name, if applying for an individual license or hardship permit.
  • Enter your contact information.

Step 2: “Find Product – Search by Form # or Product Name” field:

  • Enter the appropriate Form # (Example: DP-30, each application form has the form # listed in the top left corner) for easiest access of the necessary fees to be paid.
  • Some application forms have more than one product fee listed, depending on the fee requirements on the application form.
  • Enter the appropriate product fee numbers.
  • Click “Update” button to see your payment breakdown (Cart Total:/Fees:/Total:).
  • Click “Pay” button to make your payment.
  • Enter your billing information.
  • Click “Pay $0.00” button.
  • Once you submit the payment click the green “Click for Printable Receipt” button, to retrieve the receipt number to enter in the online application form. The receipt number is required on the application form, you will not be able to submit the application form without it and your payment cannot be matched up to your application form without the receipt number.
  • Once your application form has been reviewed and approved, a license/permit/registration will be sent to you.

If you have any questions regarding the online application and payment process, please contact the Pesticide Section at (501) 225-1598.

Links to Online Application Forms:

Supporting Document Forms:

Preregistration Form for Testing and Certification/Recertification of Applicators:

Online testing via Everblue is now available. Online examinations have a proctoring fee of approximately $30 per exam that is administered and proctored via Everblue. Once you have submitted your information for online testing, please wait for an email to receive the payment and testing instructions. The exam results will be sent via email within 7 business days.

Click the link below to view an Online Testing Demonstration from Everblue.

Important Notice regarding Certification/Recertification:

Because of the current COVID-19 (Corona virus) situation, the U of A Cooperative Extension Service has implemented a temporary change in all pesticide applicator training programs. Virtually all the training has gone to an online format. You can find the training information here.