Natural Resources

Efficiently and responsibly managing and protecting our water and land resources for the sustainability, health, safety, and economic benefit of the State of Arkansas

Water/Wastewater Funding Applications

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The Waste/Wastewater Advisory Committee (WWAC) is required to review all projects seeking funding from the Arkansas Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Division. The WWAC recommendation letter is not required to be attached to the online funding application form. However, the date of review is required. You can learn more about this committee by clicking here.

The following documents are required as part of the request for funding process:

All funding applications must be submitted through EnABLE, the Natural Resources Division’s web-based financial management system.

EnABLE supports recipient submission of the Natural Resources Division funding applications using the EnABLE web-based system.

Request an EnABLE account

Applicants should complete the User Access Form to request an EnABLE account to create authorized users. Please send the signed form to:

Click here to download the EnABLE User Access Form

When adding users to the form, indicate the role for each user with the drop-down box. In addition to selecting the role, please indicate if each user will be authorized to submit a funding application and/or a draw (reimbursement) request. The Enable User Access Form must be signed by an authorized signatory authority on file with the Natural Resources Division. If a signatory authority resolution is not on file with the Natural Resources Division, examples are available above.

Once an EnABLE User Account has been created the UserID, a temporary password will be sent to each user from the system with further instructions on how to access EnABLE.

For assistance, please contact:

Emily Richards Tarvin
Administrative Assistant
Arkansas Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Division
Office (501) 683-0109

Amy Theriac
Program Outreach Coordinator
Arkansas Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Division
Office (501) 682-0547

The funding application is used for requesting grants, deferred loans, or loans from funding programs.

The Signatory Authority Resolution simply states who the official representative of the entity will be for that project.

Additional information/documents:

To view the FAQ, click here.

The Resolution of Intent is required after the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission approves funding when issuing tax-exempt bonds. It states the intention to issue tax-exempt bonds for a specific project and the desire to use the part of the proceeds for cost incurred prior to Bond Closing. This is not a binding document on the entity seeking funding. Resolution of Intent

For information on guidance for Environmental Review for CWSRF & DWSRF click here.

For information on the Arkansas Community and Economic Development Program, (ACEDP) click here.

For more information contact:

Debby Dickson, Water Development Section Manager
Arkansas Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Division
10421 W. Markham St., Little Rock, AR 72205
Phone: (501) 682-0548
Fax: (501) 682-0561