Natural Resources

Efficiently and responsibly managing and protecting our water and land resources for the sustainability, health, safety, and economic benefit of the State of Arkansas

The Water/Wastewater Advisory Committee

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Water/Wastewater Advisory Committee (WWAC) and how can the WWAC assist your community?

The WWAC was implemented in 1992 and received national recognition as a unique model because of the cooperative efforts of the funding and regulatory agencies involved. Four state agencies partner in support of water and wastewater services. The WWAC provides project development guidance and recommends project financing to communities through its application process.

How often does the committee meet and for what purpose?

Representatives from the member agencies meet the first Wednesday of each month to review pre-applications for water/wastewater projects. The WWAC meetings are open to the public, and potential applicants may attend the meetings. Projects have to be submitted to the Arkansas Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Division by the 15th of a month to make the agenda for the next meeting.

Who are the partners?

  • Arkansas Natural Resources Commission
  • Arkansas Department of Health
  • Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
  • Arkansas Economic Development Commission
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture - Rural Development
  • Communities Unlimited

What types of projects can be funded?

  • Treatment Plants
  • Distribution Lines
  • Collection Lines
  • Water and/or Wastewater Service Extensions
  • Elevated or Ground Storage Tanks
  • New Water Sources - Wells, Other Systems, etc.

What are the sources of funds used to fund Water and Wastewater projects?

The Natural Resources Division administers two  Federal and three State programs which provide financial assistance through loans and grants to Arkansas entities for water and wastewater projects. Funds can be used for new or existing systems. Please contact Debra Dickson at (501) 682-0548 for information on the programs available through the Natural Resources Division.

The Arkansas Economic Development Commission administers the funds from the State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program used for Water and Wastewater projects.  Non-entitlement cities and counties are eligible to apply for these State CDBG funds.  Projects funded must certify that at least 51 percent of the households served are low or moderate income, based upon the HUD Section 8 income limits.  Please contact Jean Noble, the Director of the Grants Management Division, at (501) 682-7389 for more information about the State CDBG water and wastewater grant program.

The United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development awards loan and grant funds to entities. Funds can be used for new or existing systems. Please contact David Kircher at (501) 301-3265 or Alan Johnson at (501) 301-3270 for more information on the USDA - Rural Development programs.

Communities Unlimited assists entities in the successful operation and maintenance of water/wastewater systems as well as short-term financing. Please contact Brad Jarrett at (479) 433-2700 Ext. 206, for more information about their funding and technical assistance programs.

What has to be submitted to the Water/Wastewater Advisory Committee? 

The WWAC Pre-Application Form must be submitted.  A preliminary engineering report is not required but may be requested by the committee. The Water/Wastewater Advisory Committee has developed a single pre-application form for both Water projects and Wastewater Projects.

How long does this process take?

Typically, the review of a project will take a month. However, if the information submitted is not complete or the agencies reviewing the information have questions, the Committee will send out a comment letter asking for additional information. Once each agency is satisfied, the Committee will provide a recommendation letter listing the potential funding sources for the project. The Committee will not dictate the source of funding that must be used.

The Committee has one pre-application form for both water and wastewater projects:

WWAC Pre-Application Form

To submit a Natural Resources Division funding application, please visit the the Funding Application page:

For more information contact:

Amy Theriac  
Program Outreach Coordinator
Arkansas Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Division
501 682-0547
10421 W. Markham St., Little Rock, AR 72205