Natural Resources

Efficiently and responsibly managing and protecting our water and land resources for the sustainability, health, safety, and economic benefit of the State of Arkansas

Critical Groundwater Areas

Pursuant to Act 154 of 1991, the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission designated a critical area based on observed groundwater depletion or quality degradation. This is a non-regulatory designation at the county level that seeks to increase conservation efforts in the area through awareness and educational outreach and grants access to expanded tax credits benefits through the state’s Groundwater Conservation Tax Credit program. In addition to these benefits, the designation can qualify an area for various federal funding programs. The Commission has designated three areas to date: the Cache, Grand Prairie, and South Arkansas areas for both the Mississippi River Valley “alluvial aquifer” and the Sparta aquifer, see the Critical Groundwater Areas Map link below.

Critical Groundwater Areas map and Critical Groundwater Areas Fact Sheet

 Monroe County is now included within the Cache Critical Groundwater Area.

On May 15, 2019, the Commission designated Monroe County as part of the Cache Critical Groundwater Area.  This consideration is based upon scientific investigation of reported groundwater problems within the area and a petition requesting designation from the Monroe County Conservation District with the written support of the Monroe County Judge, the Monroe County Farm Bureau, and the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Services.  This designation does not include the institution of regulatory authority.  Designation enhances awareness of groundwater conservation best management practices and makes more financial dollars available to resolve groundwater problems.  It enables persons who implement certain conservation practices within Monroe County to claim a 50% tax credit for surface water conversion rather than a 10% tax credit.

For more information contact:
Blake Forrest, P.G.

Geology Supervisor
10421 W. Markham St., Little Rock, AR 72205
Phone (501) 682-3904
Fax (501) 682-3991