Plant Industries

Serving the citizens of Arkansas and the agricultural and business communities by providing information and unbiased enforcement of laws and regulations set by the Arkansas State Plant Board


The Arkansas Feed Program is conducted according to the Arkansas Feed Law of 1977 and Rules. A link to the law and rules is provided below. 

For questions, please email or call 501-219-6338.

Annual Feed Tonnage Reports

Frequently Asked Questions - Feed

Q1: How do I register a feed?

The Arkansas Feed Program is operated on the calendar year.  All feed facility licenses approved will expire on December 31 of the year it was approved.  Arkansas requires an annual renewal of this license.  Application and renewal are accomplished on Form 1019 found through the link above.  Please use the latest form posted here as earlier versions may be obsolete and rejected.   The approved feed facility license will allow you to distribute an unlimited number of products into or in Arkansas.    

Arkansas does not require labels to be submitted for approval. 

The cost of the feed facility license is $10.  However, Arkansas requires a minimum $10 quarterly tonnage fee so your feed facility license will cost you at least $50 dollars per year. 

Reports and payment may be submitted as described in Q4.

Q2:  What is a Feed Exemption License?

A:  The Arkansas Feed Exemption License is applicable to those who mix or manufacture concentrated commercial feedstuffs and the ingredients to be used in compounding same which are manufactured or mixed and used for feeding to poultry or livestock owned by such manufacturer or mixer.  Application and renewal are accomplished on Form 1023.  The approved license exempts the owner from reporting or paying the tonnage fee on feed and feed ingredients used in their livestock operations.  However, if the owner also manufactures or distributes feed to others outside their operation, they must obtain a feed facility license and report these distributions. 

Q3: How much is the feed tonnage fee and when is it due?

  Arkansas requires a quarterly tonnage report to be submitted with payment.  The tonnage fee is $0.30 per ton of feed distributed with a minimum $10 dollar fee per quarter.  This is equivalent to 33.34 tons of feed.  The tonnage report is accomplished on Form 1020. 

The reporting quarters end each March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.  The report with payment must be received within 45 days after the end of the quarter to avoid penaltyReports and payment may be submitted as described in Q4.

Q4:  How may I submit forms and payment to the feed program?

By Mail:  Mail checks and forms to the following address. 

Arkansas Department of Agriculture, Plant Industries Division
ATTN: Feed Program
1 Natural Resources Drive
Little Rock, AR 72205

Make checks payable to the Arkansas Department of Agriculture.  Make sure you include a copy of the form(s) with your payment.  Checks received without forms may be returned or delay completion. 

By Email:  Email Forms and payment receipt to

The payment portal link is found at the bottom of the forms page.  Online payment can only be accepted in US Dollars at this time.  To avoid delays, email a copy of the payment receipt with your form.

Payment Portal Link:  McMan Simple Payments (

Q5: What information must appear on a feed label?

A:  The following components must appear on a feed label.  For more information consult the Arkansas Feed Law and Rules or follow this link to AAFCO’s Feed Labeling Guide:

  1. Product name
  2. Purpose statement
  3. Guaranteed analysis
  4. Feed ingredients
  5. Directions for use and any precautionary statements
  6. Name and principal mailing address of the manufacturer or person responsible for distributing the feed.
  7. Quantity Statement.


Samples of feed are taken by inspectors throughout the state and submitted to Laboratory Services in Little Rock, AR.   Samples are analyzed and checked against the guarantees provided on the label by the guarantor.  A report detailing deficiencies is delivered to the store/owner where the feed was sampled and the manufacturer of the feed.  The inspector will return to the store to determine if any feed from the sampled lot remain and may stop sale the remainder pending corrective actions by the store owner or manufacturer.  Manufacturers have 30 days from the date of the report to dispute findings.