Plant Industries

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Hemp Home


 Welcome to the Arkansas Department of Agriculture Hemp Program webpage.  The Hemp Program is permitted by the Arkansas Hemp Production Act of 2021 (A.C.A. § 2-15-501 et seq.) and the 2018 Farm Bill (Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, P.L. 115-334) authorities.

2024 Hemp Program Applications are now available on the “Applications for Hemp Licensing” webpage!

The Department’s Hemp Program licenses Hemp Growers and Hemp Processor/Handlers for residents of Arkansas.  Licensed Hemp Growers are permitted to legally produce or grow hemp crops, while Licensed Hemp Processors/Handlers are permitted to accept hemp crops to be processed into “publicly marketable hemp products,” such as seed oil or CBD oil. 


Full details surrounding Arkansas’s Hemp Program are all located on the Department website.  All information about the Hemp Program is organized across different web pages as listed below.  If you have visited all of the Hemp Program’s webpages and still have questions about the Program, please send e-mail inquiries to

Anyone interested in obtaining a Hemp License should first read ALL the Program’s webpages, as well as the Program’s Rules, the Arkansas Hemp Act of 2021, the 2023 Hemp Program Orientation PowerPoint, and the 2023 Applications Instructions Packet.

The Hemp Program’s web pages include:

Hemp Program Overview

This Program webpage provides general background and overview information of the Arkansas Hemp Program.  This webpage contains information on legislative background, the previous pilot research program, Arkansas Seed Dealer/Labeler License information, etc.

Hemp Program Rules & The Law

This Program webpage is where the Arkansas hemp-related Laws and Rules/Regulations are located.  This is also where any proposed rules will be posted, as well as where the public can comment on any proposed rules.  It is imperative that applicants are familiar with Program Rules and associated Hemp Laws prior to applying for licensure with the Program. 

Applications for Hemp Licensing

Interested in joining the Hemp Program?  Visit this webpage to find both Hemp Grower and Hemp Processor/Handler applications, as well as the 2024 Application Instructions Packet.  Both applications are available in “fillable” Adobe PDF format.  The Program will accept Hemp Processor/Handler applications year-round, as well as Hemp Grower Indoor Growing applications.  Hemp Grower Outdoor Growing applications have an associated seasonal deadline, usually in late April. 

License Holders—Forms & Deadlines

License Holders in the Hemp Program are required to submit all Program reports and request forms via e-mail to  This Program webpage contains all Program forms available in “fillable” Adobe PDF format, as well as a convenient list of deadlines and other helpful resources for license holders. 

Restrictions on Sale or Transfer

Planning on moving or transacting hemp material?  Have a question whether a specific hemp material is considered publicly marketable?  This Program webpage addresses the Program’s rules surrounding transfer or sale of hemp materials in Arkansas.  Visit this webpage to help determine what types of material can only be in the possession of a license holder in Arkansas, and what types of material are able to be sold to the public. 

Hemp Resources & Additional Links

This Program webpage contains helpful website links and resources pertaining to the industrial hemp industry in Arkansas and in the U.S. 

Reviewed all Hemp Program webpages and still have a question about the Program?
E-mail your hemp-related question(s) to